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Foot Disease & Deformity Treatment  

Your feet are made up of many components, including bones, cartilage, joints, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves, and skin. Because of this complex makeup, your feet are susceptible to various diseases and deformities.

Some foot diseases and deformities are minor, while other can highly affect your quality of life. It is important to seek treatment for these diseases and deformities as soon as you start to notice the symptoms. In many cases, the sooner these diseases and deformities are treated, the better chance you have of restoring the health back to your feet.

Learn more about foot diseases and deformities, the symptoms to look for, and how you can treat them:

Deformities Bone Spurs Bunions Claw Toe Clubfoot Dysplasia Enchondroma Flat Feet Gordon Syndrome Haglund’s Deformity Hallux Limitus Hallux Varus Hammertoes Jackson-Weiss Syndrome Mallet Toes Metatarsalgia Osteomyelitis Peroneal Tendon Dislocation/Dysfunction Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Sesamoiditis Tarsal Coalition
Diseases Arthritis Cancer Charcot Disease Diabetes Freiberg’s Disease Gout Kaposi’s Sarcoma Kohler’s Disease Maffucci’s Syndrome Ollier’s Disease Raynaud’s Disease Seiver’s Disease Sever’s Disease/Calcaneal Apophysitis
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